Checking for ThankViews Sent in the Past 8 Weeks
Prior to sending a ThankView, use the filters in Evertrue to check that your intended recipients have not received a ThankView message in the past eight weeks. If they have, delay sending your ThankView until eight weeks have passed since they received their last ThankView from UVA. Below are instructions for checking ThankView sends in Evertrue against your recipient list.
- Filter for Interaction Type = ThankView and Interaction Date = 8 weeks from your targeted send date.
- Export your results.
- Add your exported and downloaded CSV file to a tab in the Excel/CSV file that has your ThankView recipient list.
- Be sure the format of your ID numbers in both tabs match. Evertrue exports ID numbers without the leading zeros. If your recipient list uses a 10 digit ID format (see the Excel: how to add leading zeros job aid).
- In your recipient list tab, add a column and apply a formula to that column to note who to exclude from your list.
ThankView Contact Reports has step-by-step instructions for entering your ThankView contact in Advance. ThankView FAQs has additional tips for using ThankView.